Technology and Production Management Research Department


The Group has 7 scientific members and one researcher.




-      Germplasm tolerance evaluation of citrus and subtropical fruits to biotic and abiotic stress

-      Identification, damage assessment, biological studies and integrated management of harmful agents and their vectors

-      Health evaluation of primary propagation sources, cooperation in establishment of healthy varieties collections and certification program.

       Study on the effect of pesticides, useful micro-organisms efficacy and their applications in pest management

-      Study on the effect of climatic factors related to plant phenology in the production management.

       Research on integrated production management (optimal application of water, fertilizers and pesticides)

-      Importation and localization of new technologies.

       Site selection for the production and cultivation areas based on climatic and socio-economic potentials.

-      Research on the determination of water requirement, irrigation scheduling optimization and irrigation methods in different areas.

       Research on irrigation management with unconventional water and the effects of fertilizers on soil and water qualitative characters.

-      Study on the drainage problems and soil improvement in the orchards.

       investigation on changing pattern of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of soil and water resources.

-      Research on the water and soil conservation in the orchards.

-      Assessment of soil fertility in citrus and subtropical fruits orchards.

-      Study on method of nutrients application and new sources of fertilizer.

       Preparation of detailed land suitability maps of the soil in citrus and subtropical fruits cultivated areas.

-      Research on the physiology and plant nutrition with emphasis on the efficiency of nutrient uptake and internal use
گروه دورانV6.1.15.0